Siamese cats are very popular cats and they are among the most highly recognizable breed in the world because of their dark points. You might then be surprised to see two entirely different looking cats both called Siamese cats. There are two basic types of Siamese cats in the world today. The first one is the traditional Siamese cat and the other is the modern Siamese cat. The differences between the two types of Siamese cats are quite striking and you can easily tell which is which.

The Traditional Siamese Cats

These types of Siamese cats are the unchanged cats from the original ones that were imported from Siam more than a decade ago. The cats that a British Consul General brought home to England were large boned cats with round faces and healthy looking bodies. These types of Siamese cats are robust and heavy. They also have darker seal points and some have the traditional kinks on their tails while others have the tendency to go cross-eyed.

The Modern Siamese cats

The modern types of Siamese cats are derived from the traditional cats but they were bred selectively to have longer more tubular bodies with long legs and finer bone structure. These types of Siamese cats also have a wedge shaped head and their ears are more pronounced compared to the traditional cats. Their heads have an overall triangular look and they may sometimes appear very thin. Some of these types of Siamese cats have varying shades of dark brown or grey on their points. Most, if not all, of the modern cats do not have any kinks on their tails or the propensity to become cross eyed.

Both types of Siamese cats have the same striking blue eyes and the traditional creamy base color of their fur. The two types of Siamese cats are also very well adjusted to people and communicate well with us. The modern Siamese cats are more prone to sickness and disease compared to the traditional and this is probably because of genetic maneuvering and too much human intervention to achieve the breed.

In spite of being the more healthy and robust of the two types of Siamese cats, the traditional Siamese cats are rarer than the modern ones. Much debate has arisen to why the modern cats were developed but there is actually not much that can be done regarding this since the breed is already established.

Siamese cats are very well known and well loved cats. They are usually recognized due to their light coat and darker points. Traditional Siamese cats differ greatly from the modern Siamese cats of today. Both breeds stem from the original Siamese cats from Siam, which are legendary.

Appearance Of Traditional Siamese Cats

Traditional Siamese cats are of bigger bodies than the modern version of Siamese cats. The have bigger heads, which earned them the nickname “apple heads” and have a more muscular body than modern Siamese cats. Compared to the modern Siamese cats, the traditional Siamese cats have a more striking color contrast with their seal points and their lighter colored bodies. As with modern Siamese cats, traditional Siamese cats also have beautiful blue eyes.

Some, if not most, traditional Siamese cats have kinks in their tails. This is a genetic trait that has been eradicated from the modern Siamese cat version. Another common traditional Siamese cat characteristic is its tendency to have a cross-eyed appearance. This trait has also been bred out of the modern Siamese cat. Not all traditional Siamese cats have the kink in the tail or the cross-eyed appearance.

Traditional Siamese cats also have more proportionate ears and shorter legs than the modern Siamese cats. Most Siamese cats, whether traditional Siamese cats or modern, are very fond of people and like nothing better than to spend their time with their family of humans. They are susceptible to hearing loss or deafness and are not suitable to be outside for long periods of time.

Brief History Of Siamese Cats

The history of all Siamese cats starts in Thailand, which was then called Siam. Legend has it that these cats were either guardians of a sacred temple or valued pets of the Siamese royalty. The traditional Siamese cats also figure in a local legend that tells how the cats got their kink in the tails. A British Consul General brought the cats to the United Kingdom. The pair that the Consul General brought gave birth and the offspring caused much admiration and envy thus sparking an immense interest in the breed. Several other cats were brought from Siam and these original cats are the common gene pool of most Siamese cats in the United Kingdom now.

Some breeders have selectively bred the Siamese into the modern version that is now present today. This version is more popular then the traditional one but there are also many other cat fanciers that prefer the traditional version.

The traditional Siamese cat has been a source of fascination for hundreds of years. The cat breed has long been admired for its elegant beauty, its loving personality, and its acute intelligence. There are some variations on the traditional Siamese cat breed, yet, in the end, it is the traditional Siamese cat that wins out in all the cat show competitions. It is important to appreciate both the diversity within the breed as well as the traditional characteristics of Siamese cats.

Historical Context

Siamese cats were first exported from the country of Siam (now called Thailand) in the mid eighteen hundreds. They first appeared in England when an ambassador from Siam brought them as a gift, and were soon entered in cat shows. By the beginning of the twentieth century, traditional Siamese cats were appearing in American cat shows as well.

Characterizing Tradition

There are specific characteristics that can be attributed to Siamese cats, both in physical appearance and in personality. These qualities are looked favorably upon by judges in cat show competitions and have come to define the traditional Siamese cat.

The ideal Siamese Cat has long, tapering lines and is of a medium size. The body is tubular, long, and graceful; the head is long, tapered, and wedge-shaped. Traditionally, the Siamese cat has no break at the whiskers or the nose and has distinctively large ears. Another stunning characteristic of the Siamese cat is its almond-shaped, piercing blue eyes.

Ideally, the cat’s tail should be long and thin; its coat should be short, fine, and glossy. Though the Siamese cat can come in a variety of colors, there are several that are specific to the traditional breed. Typically, judges in cat shows are looking for a Himalayan pattern in blue, seal, chocolate, and lilac point.

Not Interested

Just as there are some qualities that would identify a Siamese cat as being ideal and traditional, there are other characteristics that would disqualify the cat from such a label. These characteristics include: white feet or toes, long hair, malocclusion, eyes other than blue, mouth breathing, weak hind legs, and a visible kink in the tail.

Don’t Mess With Tradition!

The Siamese cat breed is perhaps the oldest of all breeds. It has continued to awe and amaze those who encounter it, both with its beauty and its intelligence. Despite the differences within the breed, it is important to appreciate and recognize the traditional beauty that has defined this breed for hundreds of years.

Siamese cats are among the most highly recognizable breed of cats in the world. They are also among the most popular and well loved because of their intelligence and their people skills. The history of the Siamese cat is not as in depth as many people would like it to be. Actually, before the cat came to the United Kingdom, there is very little known about the history of the Siamese cat.

Siamese Cat Appearance In Ancient Illustrations

In the late 1700’s, in Russia, engravings of a cat that looked very similar to the Siamese cat were found. Illustrations of the Siamese cats among others were also present in an ancient text called the Cat-Book Poems. These are the earliest recorded Siamese cat history writings in the world.

Siamese Beginnings In The United Kingdom

Siamese cat history became clearer when in the year 1884 a British Consul general brought home a pair of Siamese cats from Siam. Legend has it that the pair of breeding cats that the British Consul General Gould brought with him was a gift from the royal family of Siam. The pair of cats gave birth to 3 kittens, which when displayed in the United Kingdom they captured the hearts of many. Their fame brought about the importation of several other pairs of Siamese cats and the rest is Siamese cat history.

Two Main Kinds Of Siamese Cats

Today, there are two kinds of Siamese cat breeds, the traditional and the modern. The traditional breed has upheld the old characteristics and traits of the original cats brought from Siam while the modern Siamese breed has elongated the build of the cat and made it more svelte with longer legs and a smaller head. Siamese cat history now has two different breeds to take note of.

The traditional breed is less popular than the modern breed but many traditional breed fanciers still strive to maintain and uphold the original standards. Other traits that modern Siamese breeds have gotten rid of are the usually kinks on the tail of the cats and their tendency to have a cross-eyed appearance. The story relating to the kinks on the cats’ tails is among the many legends associated with Siamese cat history.

The many variations of the Siamese cat colors and length of coat has also made the breed very diverse and the only common things among the breeds are the points in the extremities and the blue color of the cat’s eyes.

If you are looking for a Siamese cat to add to your family, you are far from alone in your quest for Siamese cat breeders. The Siamese has become one of the most popular breeds of cats today, both on the show circuit and in homes. Siamese cats crave the attention of their owners, and will be happiest curled up in your lap or sleeping nearby wherever you are. These cats are also extremely vocal, and will not hesitate to let you know if they are unhappy or lonely. Siamese cats make wonderful pets with children and adults alike, and can even get along with other pets when they are introduced early in life.

Which Breeder is Right for You?

Siamese cat breeders have a tendency to specialize in a particular type of Siamese, whether it is the look of the traditional or classic cat that they prefer. If you are on the hunt for a Siamese cat breeder, it is best to do your research and get a good idea of the look you want in your Siamese before you begin contacting breeders to find out what they have available. This way you can ask the appropriate questions that will help you to narrow your search of Siamese cat breeders rather quickly. For example, some Siamese cat breeders will prefer cats with a rounder head, others will like the stockier build, and still others will choose to breed cats with a sleeker, more angular appearance.

Once you have located a Siamese cat breeder, don’t be surprised if the tables get turned and you get asked numerous questions by the breeder before you are allowed to purchase a kitten. Breeders take their job and their cats quite seriously, and want to make sure that they find good homes for their animals where they will receive the care that they deserve. You will probably have to sign a contract stating that you will have your cat spayed or neutered at the proper time, and that you will never have your pet declawed. Most Siamese cat breeders will also want to know that your cat will be an exclusively indoor pet.

To ensure that you get a true Siamese, you will probably want to find out from your Siamese cat breeder whether his cats are registered. Keep in mind that even cats from superb lineages may not have registration papers, so you can get a high quality cat from a Siamese cat breeder that is not registered. However, the only way to know for sure is to have those registration papers that offer proof of the lineage, so if this is an important factor to you, you will probably want to find a Siamese cat breeder that does actually register his animals.

Siamese cats can bring years of companionship and enjoyment to your family. By selecting a good Siamese cat breeder, you can rest assured that you are getting the best cat possible.

Before you get a Siamese cat as a pet for your home, you need to understand Siamese cat behavior. This is especially important if you have children, because although many people do not realize it, Siamese cats tend to be very particular and definitely have a different temperament than any other breed of cat in the world.

Siamese Cat Behavior

When it comes to Siamese cat behavior, one of the first and most important things to know is that Siamese cats tend to be very jealous and often so much to the point that they will throw tantrums or fits of bad behavior whenever they feel this jealousy.

Siamese cats often make noises so that you will notice them, and they want to keep your attention. They have a very faithful devotion to their owner, particularly when the owner has raised and been with them since birth. Jealously then tends to arise when the owner is paying attention to someone else or another cat, and this is when the Siamese cat may begin acting jealous and angry.

Also in regards to Siamese cat behavior, these cats have a heat-sensitive gene, and Siamese cats that live in warmer regions tend to have paler colored coats. You should always keep your Siamese cat active, as they like to walk around and get a lot of playtime in.

Correct Bad Behavior

Although Siamese cat behavior is often regarded as bad and many people are not willing to have such a cat as a pet. There are ways to correct this bad behavior however, and unlike dogs, cats do not need obedience training in order to develop good manners.

One of the most important things to do if you are trying to correct a cat’s bad behavior is to provide them with plenty of petting and affection. This will help to decrease their feelings of loneliness and make them feel more wanted. All cats love affection and so you can really never show them too much love.

Another great tip is to place obstructions on areas in your home that you do not want your cat jumping up on and make sure to say no to them firmly when they do something wrong. If you do have children in the home, and especially if you got the cat when they were older rather than as a kitten, you want to make sure that you have the cat trained and obedient before introducing them to the children, for safety reasons.

For long, cats have made ideal companions to us humans and in the olden times they served the important purpose in keeping away household pests, though in modern times, they are admired for their intelligence and also because they don’t require much maintenance as well as for the warmth of their personalities. Though many popular breeds of cats are known to us, the Siamese cat is perhaps the most popular and also most widely recognized.

Originally From Southeast Asia

The origins of the Siamese cat can be traced to Southeast Asia though it is not known for sure where exactly they originated from in those parts of the world, and it was only as recently as the twentieth century that the Siamese cat gained in popularity in the western world. Today, they are a very popular breed of cat and that is not at all surprising because of their appearance that is quite unique and also because they seem very stately as well.

In fact, the Siamese cat has a shape that can best is described as being streamlined, it has striking facial features, especially its almond shape to their eyes, and also it has very appealing and contrasting colors that make it look very distinctive and very different from other types of cat breeds. However, the Siamese cat is not all about being good to look at because they are also famous for their intelligence and also striking personality as well.

The Siamese cat is thought to be one of the most extroverted as well as social of all cats in the world and their personality is one of affection and warmth and they closely gel with their owners, which however does mean that they are not quite as independent as some other cats and they are also known to like staying indoors with their owner. Another feature of this breed of cat is that it has a very loud and distinctive as well as low pitch to its voice, and even though they are very intelligent, they don’t train all that easily.

There are some Siamese cats that will obey you though others, thanks to the inquisitiveness of their nature, may be more mischievous and will often scratch up your carpet, or even the scratching post of your expensive sofa.

You should also make it a point before buying your Siamese cat to source it from a breeder of good reputation which will ensure that it has pure bloodline and that it has already been properly inoculated, and also its physical as well as social abilities will be well developed.

Siamese cats are among the most recognizable breeds in the world. There are many variations of the Siamese cat but all of these have the distinguishing points, which are darker than the breed’s base coat color. Among the many different kinds of Siamese breeds are the seal point, the blue point, chocolate point and lilac point. These four are the ones accepted by the traditional Siamese cats fanciers club. Other variations such as the red point Siamese cat and the tortoiseshell are not fully accepted in some clubs.

The Red Point Siamese Cat Variation

The red point Siamese cat is pretty much the same cat as other more traditional Siamese cats but instead of the dark chocolate or black points, they have red or orangey points. These non-traditional point patterns are only variations in color and do not affect the temperament or health of the red point Siamese cat.

These new breed of Siamese cats also have the same placements of their points, in the extremities like the ears, snout, lower legs and paws, tail and scrota in most males. They also have the same or similar blue colored almond shaped eyes as the traditional Siamese cats, but these newer breeds sport the modern bodies of Siamese cats instead of the traditional.

Background Of The Red Point Siamese Cat

In the year 1948 Dr. Nora Archer acquired a male red point Siamese cat which was a product of crossbreeding a seal point male and a domestic cat which was half Siamese. The first male red point Siamese cat was then bred with a seal point female, which resulted in a litter of a tortoiseshell female who then produced the first ever-female red point Siamese cat.

From then on, the history of the red point Siamese cats was made. Selective breeding resulted in perfecting the red point Siamese cat strain and eventually the breed was introduced to the general public. The recognition of the new breed of Siamese cats had a difficult time gaining admission to most certified clubs but has gathered many fans. Those who fancied the breed started their own club, which was eventually affiliated with the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy in 1967.

Today, many people have accepted the red point Siamese cat as a variation of the Siamese breed. The breed variation also has many followers who adore the different shades of red that can be achieved in the new breed.

Siamese cats are one of the most recognizable cats in the world. They are also very popular pets and are believed to be an old breed coming from Asia. The history of Siamese cats is not as clear as we would like it to be but there are some fragments of it in the annals of time.

The history of Siamese cats is based in Thailand, which was formerly known as Siam. It is believed that these cats were native to the area and a breeding pair was brought from Siam to the United Kingdom in the year 1884 as a gift. This is as far as the history of Siamese cats goes, although there are some manuscripts in Russia that illustrate cats with similar traits as the Siamese.

In the history of Siamese cats, many legends abound as to why the original cats had a kink in its tail. Today, not all Siamese cats have this distinctive kink and it is even discouraged in shows. There are now two variations of the Siamese cats, the traditional cat and the modern cat. The difference between the two is that the modern cats are more svelte than the traditional cats and sport longer, thinner bodies and legs.

Breed Standard

The traditional Siamese cats have long gone from the show ring so it is usually the modern versions that continually show up in shows. In spite of this, many traditional Siamese cat breeders would like the old style cats to return to the ring. The standards for modern Siamese cats are that the base color of the coat is usually a creamy color with darker points in the snout, all four paws, points of the tail and ears and in males cats the scrota. In the history of Siamese cats, the cats have always had their darker fur in these areas.

Almost all Siamese cats accepted for shows and as registered members of The International Cat Association have blue eyes, which are almond shaped. Their coats are flat and lie close to the skin. The history of Siamese cats has also shown that the original cats might have a strong tendency to be cross-eyed and have a kink n their tails. These traits were eradicated in the pursuit of a perfect Siamese cat breed.

The breed is known to be highly intelligent and very affectionate with people. They tend to bond well with humans and are very loyal to their owners. This cat breed is seldom active at night and can be quite vocal with it needs and desires.

Cats are among the top pets that humans love to keep. Among the many various breeds of cats in the world, the Siamese cat is one of the most popular. There are several kinds of Siamese cats and they are usually differentiated by the color of their points. Siamese cats have an old history in which they are supposed to be guardians of a traditional temple or were exclusively kept by members of royalty in Siam.

Standard Of Siamese Cats

Show standards of Siamese cats indicate that the cats must come in just four colors, seal, or extremely dark points, blue or cool grey Siamese cats points, chocolate points and lilac which are pale warm grey Siamese cats. All cats must have points or darker coloring in their extremities, namely the paws and lower legs, ears, snout, tail and in males, the scrota.

All Siamese cats must have almond shaped blue eyes and a creamy light colored base for their coats. In the earlier traditional breeds of Siamese cats, they had kinks in their tails and often had a cross-eyed appearance. Selective breeding soon got rid of the supposed imperfection although some die hard fans of the traditional Siamese cats have retained some breeds with the kinks and the cross-eyed looks. Fanciers of the traditional Siamese cats believe in keeping the traditional traits from Siam.

Why Are There Grey Siamese Cats?

The two kinds of grey Siamese cats are actually just variations in point colors. The blue or cool grey Siamese cats and the lilac or the warm grey Siamese cats are actually diluted versions of the seal point and the chocolate. These grey Siamese cats versions are lighter versions of the darker colored ones. Adult Siamese cats also tend to develop darker coats, as they grow older. In warmer climates, Siamese cats have lighter colored coats that those in colder climates which sometimes show grey Siamese cats.

Other than the varying colors of their coats, grey Siamese cats have little differences from their lighter colored younger counterparts in the warmer regions. The result of having grey Siamese cats may have something to do with the albinism effect of the points in the cats. Science has explained that the points of Siamese cats are the results of the extremities being the coldest areas of the cat. In colder regions, older coats tend to turn into darker or grey Siamese cats because they feel colder all over their bodies instead of the usual points.