Understanding Siamese Cat Behavior

Before you get a Siamese cat as a pet for your home, you need to understand Siamese cat behavior. This is especially important if you have children, because although many people do not realize it,

Siamese Cat – An Intelligent And Unique Looking Cat

For long, cats have made ideal companions to us humans and in the olden times they served the important purpose in keeping away household pests, though in modern times, they are admired for their intelligence and also because they don’t require much maintenance as well as for the warmth of their personalities.

Profile Of The Savannah Cat Breed

Cats are among the top animals preferred as pets by humans. Among the many cat breeds found in the world, the Savannah cat breed is one of the most recent ever developed.

What Is A Red Point Siamese Cat?

Siamese cats are among the most recognizable breeds in the world. There are many variations of the Siamese cat but all of these have the distinguishing points, which are darker than the breed’s base coat color.

What To Look For In Persian Cat Breeders

Persian cats are one of the most sought after breeds of cats. This is most likely because of their beautiful and regal appearance along with the many different colors that they come in.

What are the Non Shedding Cat Breeds?

If you are interested in non shedding cat breeds because you would like to have a cat as a pet but are not interested in having to follow them around cleaning up cat fur, then there are a few different breeds that you can choose from.

The Myth Of The Minx Breed Cat

The minx breed cat is a source of confusion not only among cat lovers, but among other people as well. Though the term “minx breed cat” is commonly used on the internet and in everyday conversation, the truth is that it is not actually a real cat breed!

The Different Long Haired Cat Breeds

There are quite a few different long haired cat breeds that you can choose from, and long haired cat breeds are actually the favored of all cats, primarily because of their beautiful long coats and attractive appearance.